
aergocli is a command line tool that interfaces with the GRPC exposed by aergosvr.


Using the binary

You can find the latest binary release on Github. Just download and extract the archive.

Using Docker

You can also use the Docker image aergo/tools. Example: docker run --rm aergo/tools aergocli version


In order to use all features of aergocli you will need to have the end point (IP address and port number) to a aergosvr instance.

For a list of all commands known to aergocli, simply run it with no arguments. To see the usage of sub commands, run those without arguments, e.g. aergocli account.

  aergocli [command]

Available Commands:
  account          Account command
  blockchain       Print current blockchain status
  bp               show BP list
  chaininfo        Print current blockchain information
  chainstat        Print chain statistics
  cluster          Cluster command for raft consensus
  committx         commit transaction to aergo server
  contract         Contract command
  enterprise       Enterprise command
  event            Get event
  getblock         Get block information
  getconsensusinfo Print consensus info
  getpeers         Get Peer list
  getstate         Get account state
  gettx            Get transaction information
  help             Help about any command
  keygen           Generate private key
  listblocks       Get block headers list
  metric           Show metric informations
  name             Name command
  node             Show internal metric
  receipt          Receipt command
  sendtx           Send transaction
  serverinfo       Show configs and status of server
  signtx           Sign transaction
  verifytx         Verify transaction
  version          Print the version number of Aergocli
  votestat         show voting stat

      --config string          config file (default is cliconfig.toml)
  -h, --help                   help for aergocli
      --home string            aergo cli home path
  -H, --host string            Host address to aergo server (default "localhost")
      --keystore string        Path to keystore (default "$HOME/.aergo")
      --node-keystore          use node keystore
  -p, --port int32             Port number to aergo server (default 7845)
      --tlscacert string       aergosvr CA certification file for TLS
      --tlscert string         client certification file for TLS
      --tlskey string          client key file for TLS
      --tlsservername string   aergosvr name for TLS

Use "aergocli [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Local or remote keystore?

Changed in version 2.2.0.

Since version 2.2.0, aergocli uses a local keystore by default. When you create or import accounts, they are saved on the local machine in an encrypted keystore file format. The default storage directory is $HOME/.aergo, but you can change it by passing the --keystore flag. Whenever you sign or send a transaction, these locally saved accounts are used.

In aergocli versions before 2.2.0, account actions would use an account that is stored on the remote server (full node) you are connected to. This is fine if you are running your own full node, but for the vast majority of users who want to connect to publicly available nodes, this is not useful. That is why the default behavior was changed to use local keystores.

Continue using the old method (server-based accounts)

To use the pre-2.2 method of selecting accounts from the connected server, pass the --node-keystore flag to aergocli. Remember you then have to unlock accounts before using them on the server. Check out the examples.

Migration from remote to local keystore

To migrate from the old to the new storage format, first export an account from your node as a keystore file, and then import it into your local keystore:

# Export from remote
$ aergocli -H YOUR_NODE_IP --node-keystore account export --address YOUR_ADDRESS > YOUR_ADDRESS__keystore.txt

# Import locally
$ aergocli account import --path YOUR_ADDRESS__keystore.txt

See also

In version 2.2.0, the internal keystore method was also changed. See here for details.